The night was dark and foggy.

  • The night was dark and foggy.
  • So I slowed the car down. No visibility. Then on the roof of my car was a THUMP. I stepped on the gas and the car spun out. I woke up in the ditch. It was still dark and foggy
  • but now my car was missing and I was lying in a ditch. I fumbled in my pocket for my lighter and flicked it on, good old Zippo. I stumbled out of the ditch onto the foggy road.
  • I stared groggily through the mist as car lights whizzed by. I heard distant calliope music. Traumatized, I tried to flag down a motorist. A Good Humor Ice Cream truck rolled up.
  • I had to buy a fudgesicle to get a ride. I hadn't even closed the ice cream truck door before he cranked the calliope music to a deafening level and peeled out into the heavy fog
  • of war. "Should I be shot, take my post," said the rebel ice cream truck driver. Tears salted my fudgesicle. Corpses filled our freezer. A battlefield was no time/place for ice
  • cream treats or...was it? I wondered if we could offer Nutty Buddy Bars to the enemy as a peace offering & end this bloody war? We sent the ice cream truck driver to the front line
  • with several bars. The C.O. of the enemy army tried one with suspicion. He quickly became enraged and started stomping his feet, yelling something about it not being nutty enough.
  • He raised his hand, holding the gun. Fired a shot in the air. All the army fellows around him quickly became alarmed. They weren't exactly sure about what happened to him.
  • But he was. He had tapped into - a dead bird fell from the sky - an unlimited power. A power that would make him master of the universe. He had pure white eyeballs. He was immortal


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