Captain's Journal, June 10th, 20XX: Our journey

  • Captain's Journal, June 10th, 20XX: Our journey through space has had many strange twists and turns, but the one I and the crew remember so vividly was the time when
  • we saw a bright flash in the distance. It seemed to get brighter and brighter as we got closer. Only when we got really close I and the rest of the space crew realised it was a
  • ctually the sun. We stared at each other in confusion. How come we couldn't realize what it was a little sooner? We threw the navigator out the airlock and maneuvered the spaceship
  • through Atmos 7, through cloud 9, avoiding cloud 10, picking up some religious radio as we passed heaven & then across open space towards the Andromeda galaxy. "Scotty! Our navigat
  • or Sulu is prancing around the bridge in glitter wings and halo. Can you mark course for the blinding white light at the end of the tunnel? Uhuru try to make contact with the diety
  • or something, and Spock, well, he was just Spock. That's right. Pointed ears zero personality. Me, I'm a detective, three parts tribble one part heartache and I was stuck on t
  • he midnight train to Georgetown. I know that's not how the song goes, but my detective creds were from a mail order University so what do you want? The body was stiff when I
  • poked it with a stick. I turned to my partner in crime. "This person is definitely deceased."
  • "Join him, won't you?" said my ex-partner as he pulled the trigger. For a moment the world was a blast of noise and motion. I thought I had been caught in a tornado. But then I saw
  • a lavender sky and me holding up a river so that a couple of snails could cross to go shopping for shells. I knew right away that I was going to enjoy being dead after all.


  1. SlimWhitman Apr 06 2018 @ 03:17

    Nice 'Ending' Shabadu666!

  2. Woab Apr 07 2018 @ 10:28

    I agree, and I also am weirdly cheered by the image of Sulu prancing around the bridge in glitter wings and a halo.

  3. SlimWhitman Apr 07 2018 @ 15:36

    What's wierd about it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szS3SJDaBGc

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