Hooked up to Google's mandatory rape machines,

  • Hooked up to Google's mandatory rape machines, we pass our rape with illegal surrealist films, such as "Homeward Bound". What were dogs? What is a cat? Strange green monuments jut
  • ted out of the palms of my hands as I pondered those questions. A clock with three hands was draped over the mantle. It ticked louder & louder until the blue man came out of the
  • woodwork & handed me a cigar. "For later," he hissed, then disappeared behind the yellow wallpaper. I suddently felt a presence behind me. I whipped around. It was Laura Ingalls.
  • Now this was awkward, I'd just been ogling her husband on 'my daguerreotype boyfriend.com'. I handed her the cigar & said, "Let's go slaughter that pig!" Laura Ingalls bustled abou
  • t in the kitchen and suddenly held up a knife to my throat. "Not me, you idiot!" I yelled. "But your a pig," she said, apparently amazed by that fact. "Not me," I said, "Your dad."
  • "I can't believe you would say that about my father and the police force." I said. "The amount of people who insult our hardworking protectors of the peace disappoints me."
  • He thought I'd finished. So did I, but more came out. "The police force is an honourable institution comprised of brave men and women without whom society would crumble into
  • ruin and anarchy." I wasn't listening though - I was staring at Officer Pyrope's tits. They weren't the biggest in the room but there they were - inches in front of my face. I said
  • "Good golly!" and punched her right breast with the force of a neutron star exploding. Needless to say, all that was left of her tit was a gaping, smoldering, bloody crater full of
  • abstract paintings and medieval relics. In short, a treasure was found in place of her funbag. We looted, filled the hole with cheap cereal and ate breakfast sitting on her lap.


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