She sighed. How could she tell her father

  • She sighed. How could she tell her father of what she had done. I stared at her and wondered what she was going to do. Emily stared back at me and didn't look too happy. We had it.
  • A plan finally emerged. She would run to the store and buy Cool Ranch Doritos, her father's kryptonite. We would then wait patiently until he'd gorged himself to the point of
  • satisfaction. They would then take him to the room and interrogate him on where the Twinkies were, they were prepared to
  • vegetable board him if necessary, to get the information but Ed was playing hardball. "I'm only gonna ask-a one-a mora time-a. Where'd you hide the twinkies? ...No talky? Okay,
  • you be sorry. I gonna put-a the pasta in your ears-a and up-a your nose-a, and I'ma gonna take out-a my new cheeseboard." "Okay, okay," said Ed. "I hid the Twinkies in my
  • other castle. "Mama-mia!" said Mario. His pasta-related threats toward Ed had paid off, but it just turned out he'd used Bowser's tactic of keep-away, which frustrated Mario to no
  • resolve. His cheeks, red from exertion, now redoubled and darkened as the rage built inside him. Years of pouncing on shells and busting bricks had done little to sate his
  • wrath towards him, the man who had taken his beautiful family away, the man who broke his soul and turned him into the being he is today, he would have his revenge soon.
  • He was still, lonely, the full moon surrounding his silhouette. Waiting, waiting. October 8th, he decided. Six months to the day. Not much longer now. Revenge would be his.
  • He sharpened his knife & waited. But sadly we have run out of lines now. Read all about the "Bloody, full-mooned revenge of October the 8th" next time, if you dare.


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