Suzette saw stubble / on David's face / then

  • Suzette saw stubble / on David's face / then went to Prom / with a guy named Chase / Burma Shave
  • had sold tons of worthless foam crap to idiotic public on slogans like this. Or at least that's what the man said at the bar. He was alone. He was drinking. He was on the clock and
  • trying to sell as much booze and under the counter drugs as he could before the owner got back. The novelty t-shirts and knick knacks were a favor to the excise cops' "niece".
  • When Joey came in asking for a Nestle's Crunch he was confused. Was he asking for a candy bar or that act that had been declared unspeakable in 17 states? He had not been trained
  • in the difficult art of mule exsanguination so he went with the candy bar interpretation. Besides, he had just received a shipment from Nestle. When he opened the crate
  • it contained an experimental sample of 1000 nestles kisses wrapped in different colored foils. Each one contained a different surprise. As taste-tester for nestle I
  • let my mouth water and I let my brain go wacky with curiosity. I longed to take the blue one near the top. The foil wrapping the kiss was a jewel color, just beautiful.
  • I popped the dark chocolate in my mouth. I was first hit by a wave of pure ecstatic sweetness. The bitter undertones pulsed over my taste buds. Was that a hint of bacon? My allergy
  • to peanuts was utterly unaffected, which could only mean one thing: I was dreaming. The moment I realized this I shot up out of bed, the taste of the delectable chocolate still
  • lingering in the back of my throat. Memory of the dream's events began to fade, and my gaze settled on the thick sunshine mottling my shag carpet. "Fine, I'll get up." I sighed.


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