I'd heard about the lunar flare but didn't

  • I'd heard about the lunar flare but didn't pay it any mind until my skin started peeling after a long walk through the humid night. I'd taken off my shirt and my back was now cover
  • ed with Luna Moths. They were drawn to my glowing skin lit up by the flamboyant flare. The creatures clung to me as I strolled down the moonlit street in my sleep. Too much Lunesta
  • , no bed, no sleep, make Homer something something. "Go crazy?" asked the Lunesta Moth. "No" said Homer, and then I woke up. Too much Lunesta had made me
  • lactate in my swimsuit areas. Lunesta is something I use recreationaly in order to better
  • harness my inner confusion and lack of coordination, although it does sometimes have the unfortunate side effect of disrupting the insomnia that I typically enjoy. Regardless,
  • I follow my bedtime routine religiously. I always shower at night. Then I slather lotion all over my body before tucking myself between the crisp, cool sheets of my bed. Sometimes,
  • I use too much lotion and later wake in a cold sweat, having had my recurring dream of being made into a sandwich with a little too much mayonnaise. My psychologist tells me that
  • im too overprotective of my lettuce sandwich i tell him "its because i don't want a persons foot fungus on it "
  • "I'm a person", said a person standing behind the original person, who any other person could see, had forgotten that original or not, the person was still a person. "& have foot f
  • ront of you.”, the person behind the original person said. The leader then nodded and told the others that they were ready to march. It was odd, because it was only one block long.


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