Women screamed in terror and ran for their

  • Women screamed in terror and ran for their lives. Children cried everywhere. Men fought to protect their families from the armies of comic book nerds rampaging through the streets.
  • It was today. The day Deadpool came out in theaters. Nerds ran in rampaging herds throughout the streets, polluting the air with their asthma puff clouds. People cowered in fear as
  • the cities of the world were overrun by hordes of geeks, dorks, every kind of social outcast to ever grace the inside of a comic book store. And Ryan Reynolds watched with glee as
  • yet another outcast made his awkward way through the throng towards the bar. They pulled their wallet out of their cargo trousers, and started counting out their coins.
  • The grizzled bar man picked up one the doubloons from the Bermuda shorted tourists and bit into it. It bent and the foil came off. "Chocolate not legal tender in these parts
  • of Minerville. Minecrafters everywhere know this fact!" He spat. "You're not from around here are you?! We only use emeralds. Send for the creepers!" The bremuda shorted tourists
  • were so freaked out that they wet their Bermuda shorts and threw their cell phones into the air as they ran for the nearest airport. The phones clattered to the ground minutes late
  • r and caused a quake worse than the Northridge quake of '94. Once at the airport, with their Bermuda shorts now stained from explosive diarrhea, with every flight grounded, they
  • Were forced to write a memoir in some strange tongue. A sea-cow offered to help them in return for a favour. They had to eat her burritos and rate them from one to ten obelisks.
  • Just picking up the strange tongue, feeling the slime and cillia, told quite clearly that I did not want to write a memoir with that tongue. However, her burritos didn't appeal to


  1. LordVacuity Feb 08 2017 @ 18:15

    me either.

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