Although euros have a light hint of cresote,

  • Although euros have a light hint of cresote, nothing can compare to the smoky aroma of a burning hundred dollar billl.
  • I placed the dollar ashes in a lavish urn on the mantle. Sure enough, big Ben Franklin rose like a phoenix and shattered my urn. How am I supposed to buy a new one with ash money?
  • "My hash stash is ash!" I kvetched."A penny saved is a penny earned" said Ben while cleaning his bifocals, "but storing your hash in an urn with my ashes
  • -" "Ben, you've been assigned to the diplomatic post in Paris!" Ben put his bifocals back on. Paris? Ben Franklin had heard about the women in Paris. Hot Damn, he was going to
  • have to go tell O that she was going home! That would make that saucy wench quite randy. He had it in mind to tell her after the lovemaking that he changed his mind, she would not
  • get a plane trip; O could roll her way home on her own. Besides, he was coming to realize he was looking more for a Q sort of thing anyway. O's life hit skids when she kissed a 5.
  • Q ran away with U, but U didn't care. U never cared. Q had to lead him around everywhere, even though he could start any word all by himself. It was Q that needed U. But I didn't
  • care for TV that much, and knew that, some of those Hidden Camera shows are full of shit.
  • Especially the ones set in the sewers. You wanna talk smelly? Those shows are rank as all get out. Gotta hold your nose just to touch the channel button on your remote. It's like
  • the time your mom KNEW the kraut had gone bad but still tried to resurrect it by mixing in some raw broccoli and fish sauce. She sent the entire camp to the latrines that day. Ugh.


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