I am a beetle.

  • I am a beetle.
  • My wife was disgusted with my insect transformation. "When I said for better or for worse, it didn't include this! You molted all over the new satin sheets! Besides, you stink!"
  • "What kind of Kafka-esque nonsense is this?" my spouse continued, "You never could do anything original." Outraged, I wiggled my six new legs at her.
  • She screamed, "You bug the hell out of me!" I've morph-plagiarized myself into a giant cockroach and she's crackin' wise. Geez. But then I saw the blinding light of the mushroom cl
  • ap-on lamp. I clapped & they shut off. All six of my legs relaxed. I rested my cute little cockroach head in my front two feet and sighed. "Lady stop buggin' me with your antics!"
  • I shut my little cockroach eyes as the lamp was suddenly turn on again. That's it! I thought. This means war! That old lady wasnt going to know what hit her! Time to unleash
  • my cockroach muster! Climbing over my twitching, dying comrades, I scuttled under the stove as the old lady went for the broom & dustpan, & asked myself what would Gregor Samsa do?
  • I, cockroach, became a man who was becoming a cockroach. "I shall not die alone in the trash!" I decided oratingly (haha) and found a nice tasty heap of rubbish.
  • And of course it's not just the taste of the rubbish that a cockroach enjoys, but the texture and scent and the noise it can make. So when the sketchy lump of a man who shared my
  • deluxe repurposed under-the-bridge cardboard house noticed that we had "visitors", he promptly moved out. I was glad, though. My cockroaches and I wanted the place to ourselves.


  1. SlimWhitman Mar 16 2015 @ 06:20

    Nice one. esp. liked MoralEnd and foldmeonce's transition: "saw the blinding light of the mushroom cl.. ap on lamp. I clapped & they shut off. All six of my legs relaxed. I rested my cute little cockroach head in my front two feet and sighed..."

  2. foldmeonce Mar 17 2015 @ 22:17

    @SlimWhitman: Thanks, and I liked this story, too! ;)

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