What is life without a little danger?

  • What is life without a little danger?
  • It was a question that bounced itself from the walls of each and every one of them, as they stood on the edge of the precipice with nothing but parachutes to soften their landing.
  • "How do we open this thing?" said Jakob. Souperwoman glanced at him and graced him with a motherly smile. "It's just a parachute Jakob." But Jakob was feeling intoxicated on soup,
  • and couldn't remember what a pull-cord was. As the soup-intoxicated Jakob fell ever closed to the ground, souperwoman grew impatient and went to help with his parachute.
  • Souperwoman pulled Jakob's cord but minestrone came out. He was so F'd up on soup he'd packed soup instead of a parachute! Rather than fly him safely to the ground, she made a huge
  • Hot air balloon that worked just as well. It was amazing, the view. Minutes later, he fell the earth, gently landing the hot air balloon in a lake filled with frogs. Mr. Frog was
  • quite mad indeed that the man who had landed a hot air balloon on his lake interrupted his pleasant dinner with his frog family. Mr. Frog straightened his tie and exclaimed,
  • "Who are you?!!!" The balloonist replied to the frog, "I am Oscar Zoroaster Phadrig Isaac Norman Henkle Emmannuel Ambroise
  • Octavius Hendrik The Fourth". The frog stared in disbelief. Seeing the frog's confusion, the balloonist said: "People just call me Zoro though." Whereupon the frog jumped out of
  • the basket, aiming for another body of water. "Death to non-believers.", thought Zoro.


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