"Jimmy, you've been a good skywriter for

  • "Jimmy, you've been a good skywriter for many years, but it's time for you to brush up on your skycursive." "How come?" "Last week you tried to make 'Marry me' but it looked like
  • "Marmite!" Jimmy the skywriter accepted the criticism. But he didn't tell the truth. He'd screwed up Marry Me because he had video game induced thumb fatigue and could not control
  • his pesticide-spewing personal aircraft as well as he used to. Jimmy the skywriter was also Jimmy the Dig Dug champ. His poor thumbs ached, but this green woman asked him to spell
  • The words used in the national spelling bee, and he could spell none of them. This wrnt viral, because he had four years to study and still failed miserably. He was dyslexic.
  • But was not why they called The Toxin. Nobody knows how that started but now the whole world believes it. We would have known about it except the Government decided for us, we didn
  • 't have a clue. The Toxin was watching a football game on TV and when he picked up the phone he wasn't really paying attention. "Yeah?' The Toxin said, his eyes fixed on the
  • plant next to the TV. It was at this moment he realised he was in love with leaves. The receiver fell from his hand and he slowly made his way towards the plant, offering it some
  • goat's blood. He read on the internet that watering a plant with goat's blood is the simplest way to communicate ones affection for its leaves. Now that he has confessed his love,
  • he could only hope he will get the same message back.AND HE DID not only that but the same person also asked to marry him!He was so happy after that until
  • something else happened. Then there was stuff. And things, too! He couldn't comprehend all the stuff and things. And that explains why there is a man-shaped hole in my wall.


  1. Woab Jan 12 2017 @ 16:50


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