The ionic chain lashed around his neck like

  • The ionic chain lashed around his neck like a leash. It had an accelerator chip on it which jammed the messages in his spine. The prepulsor banged on the floor. The Borg said
  • "I don't know how this works, I must admit. Are you any good with techie stuff". I was stunned. A Borg should know this stuff, and this one was responsible for my release. I was
  • a black belt in Linux (the Borg's preferred OS) so I couldn't wait to get my Vulcan fingers on the offered touchscreen. He held it out to me, and I immediately
  • performed a mind meld with the machine. An explosion of violent images flooded my mind, bringing me to my knees with their inhuman brutality. I started to retch
  • as the scenes of charred bagels and cheese sandwiches wedged in the toaster cavity seared into my brain. The mind-meld had enhanced my empathy for machines. I now hated humans for
  • inventing chat roulette. I ran away to the Netherlands with my new wife Libby, a beautiful Blend-O-Tron 6000 I found in the electronics aisle. I didn't need humans anymore,
  • and Libby and I lived happily amongst the windmills and elderly Dutch folk, who never batted an eye at my robosexual relationship. Life was perfect, it seemed, but then
  • it happened. I ran out of batteries. I was horny as hell too. I did the only sensible thing and went out back to get my
  • diesel-powered generator I kept for emergencies such as this, filled it up and turned it on. My head foggy with arousal and anticipation I held up the power plug and
  • plugged in my chainsaw. I killed all the weasels in my basement. Soon the shrieks made people check in. What they saw was


  1. SlimWhitman Apr 27 2011 @ 05:02

    so the Borg is open-source?

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