Now, this Magic is one you have never seen

  • Now, this Magic is one you have never seen before, it is a literary magic called Haiku Pocus.
  • The secret to this sacred magic is that any Haiku written with the starter "Haiku you do too" will act as a magical wish. Charlie was an average teenager until he learned about it.
  • He could find no course in Japanese poetry at school so he went to visit The Master himself. The Master taught him everything necessary to write good haiku for the school magazine.
  • "Green sidewalk hedges - Sprayed with lines of red berries - Nature's graffiti." He titled his haiku "Spray Paint" and entered it into the school magazine's poetry contest.
  • Mrs. Berensen felt that his haiku endorsed vandalism and not only rejected the poem from the school poetry magazine, but had him kicked out of school for encouraging delinquency.
  • She could not believe such vulgar and offensive words could be placed into the small body of 17 syllables
  • but she tried to do it anyway. What could she say in 17 syllables that was vulgar & offensive? 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC came to mind but didn't feel right somehow.
  • She recounted. Missing one. Then she remembered Las Palabras Completas de Albucon, which numbered 17 words, not syllables, and abandoned the challenge. She cried tears of light and
  • dark-brown sugar folded into whipped cream, butter, and egg yolks. She obviously had an eye infection; she made an appointment with Dr. Albucon Alucard, who gave her a 17-syllable
  • haiku describing diagnosis and follow-up care. She knew a haiku wasn’t detailed enough to use, especially for follow-up. “What kind of doctor are you?” He said “QUACK!” 17 times.


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