So quiet... too quiet. Where were all the

  • So quiet... too quiet. Where were all the birds? Had they fled, or had they fallen from the sky? The only thing I could hear was an odd rushing sound in the distance. Suddenly I
  • found myself in the presence of Molasar and Rasolam -- eternal adversaries who were surprisingly charming and romantic toward each other. Even so, no birds appeared, but
  • there was the sound of two yak rutting in the distance. I gazed upon Molasar and Rasolam with confident scorn and considered how to dispatch them. Perhaps a warning blast from my
  • Ikh Buree. I took a deep breath & let sound a thunderous note. Molasar & Rasolam hardly flinched. I think they're deaf, but the two yaks in the distance interrupted their mating.
  • Then the yaks were upset because of coitus interruptus. They saw me. They lowered their heads and barreled right at me. I stepped into a hole and fell. They gained on me
  • and would probably have torn me to death (as yaks often do) if I hadn't had the presence of mind to pretend to be a rock. My rock disguise, honed in Boy Scouts, was my best
  • counter-a-yak strategy. However, a fooled boy picked me up and tossed me at a passing truck. The Dodge Ram knocked me into an open field, where I lay unconscious amongst cows and
  • in the middle of a crop circle. It was pitch black but suddenly a bright light shone from the corn stalk periphery, temporarily blinding me. One cow began levitating. Another spoke
  • Pig Latin. "oooooomay, oooooomay" the cow belted out. Then the skies turned dark purple and the largest disco ball they've ever seen dropped from the heavens. Could it really be
  • that what we hoped for was wrapped in bacon? I forget myself. The Kraken rose and fell, still a myth yet more real than this, this what? Fill in the fucking blank. ?


  1. SlimWhitman Aug 26 2012 @ 17:58

    Kraken-on-a-stick. mmmmmhhh....

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