He eats a lot because he has an emotional

  • He eats a lot because he has an emotional
  • abyss, so deep, so wide, so infinitely black...endless, desperate,impossible to fill. The hole wasn't there six months ago. No, it was her fault his soul was empty. She didn't feed
  • my snake either. "Enough of this crap," I thought to myself. "Mama!" I cried, "I'm moving out. Help me pack." But I didn't know where to go or how to move my whole collection of
  • sloughed snake skins. "Do your own packing!" Mama shouted back, "I'm off to Fallujah with the milkman. We're making a new life together!" I'd never packed a suitcase before. How
  • am I going to fold my socks neatly. The Megaweb Computational Thingamajiggy had the answer. After watching a few how to videos I was soon able to go through each step and pack my
  • clothing in the most satisfying way, neat and symmetrical. Thinking ahead to the trip, my mind began to fill with expectations of adventure and love. Or danger, is it the same
  • Thing? The pen wrote by itself, and I found something folded on my kitchen table, when I got up the next day. The cats were still sound asleep on top of my golden notebook. There
  • was nothing to do but to carefully unfold the note. I was startled to see that it was written in Yiddish. Luckily
  • I happened to be fluent in Yiddish, having a deep sense instilled in me that this knowledge may prove useful one day. I began to read the first few lines and to my horror deduced
  • that I loved Padma, and things weren't as bad as I thought they seemed!


  1. SlimWhitman Oct 03 2016 @ 16:38

    Yiddish Starwars? That could be interesting...

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