I'm the static shock on your finger. The

  • I'm the static shock on your finger. The rock in your shoe. The dribble of milk on your chin. An itch between your shoulder blades. The flight delay to the islands. You can't fight
  • me, nor can you control me. Avoid me? Ha! You'll find yourself sitting out in the middle of nowhere with a flat tire. Predict me? Oh no. I'll have your in-laws drop in on you.
  • I'm the Invisible Man. You see right through me, but I enjoy making your life hell. I'm the one who makes toilet paper stick, causes uncontrollable coughing, & calf charley horses.
  • But, truth be told, I really only desire visibility. Have you any idea how painful - how lonely - it is to be this way? No, because no one does. There is simply no such thing as
  • not being able to be seen while you can see everything around you. Not being able to call out to your loved one. Not being noticed by anyone.. Not even the one who gave me life. I
  • began to panic, as I was increasingly aware of the consequences of being completely invisible. I screamed out in agony, yet all the people around me seemed confused. At that
  • time the confused people were my only friends. So I bellowed in ecstasy, a very loud, humid, sensuous vibrato. The confused people looked around, but I was invisible. Ha ha
  • The confused people started trembling - a herd of sheep were approaching. They bleated evilly & the people bumped into each other even more. I tried yelling but my invisibility ren
  • dered my warning cries all the more confusing.The city people panicked rushing directly into the oncoming sheep mob who fleeced them of their valuables. Being invsible I could only
  • pet them and whisper "I love you" as they passed, but that seemed to add to their terror. The fleeing citizens and the fleecing sheep mob met me at the crossroads of the third way.


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