I love music so much I would...

  • I love music so much I would...
  • mass murder and annihilate everyone from the face of the Earth in order to hoard all of the songs to myself. Only to find out killing the artists would leave me music-less and now
  • I can't face the music-less world. It's so drab and quiet, so I hummed a bit. There was an echo, so I picked up a couple sticks and played patty wack on an old steel drum
  • the frogs that were near by picked up their trumpets and horns and began to play along with me, and the smalled children came from all around and began to
  • put flower petals in front of my path. The store fronts opened and they danced to my zydeco along with the frogs and the horses and the cats. The whole swamp was hopping.
  • Jeremiah (the bullfrog of course) enticed me into his chocolaterie where I enjoyed several freshly dipped fruits and pastries. Mr. Bluebird lifted his tail feather and
  • extruded another treat, this one resembling the white-chocolate almond truffles for sale at Sees. "Very popular" quipped the bird to Mssr. Frog, but I find the salted crickets
  • a bit too reminiscent of udders and my homosexuality simply would not allow me the pleasure. "Oh, right," Mssr. Frog apologized, suddenly remembering. I only rogered his wife and
  • Mr. Rogers. The way I live with myself is by smoking the sticky-icky and pounding Red Bull and Vodkas. That way my perversions never really come into focus and Lil' Wayne's music
  • actually has a soothing effect on me. The nurses let me smoke and drink as much as I want to, because it keeps the atmosphere nice and calm in the psychiatric ward that is my home.


  1. 49erFaithful Feb 13 2012 @ 14:01

    This psych ward tenant has quite the vivid imagination!

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