I was sitting outside in the park enjoying

  • I was sitting outside in the park enjoying the nice sunny weather when all of a sudden
  • a large naked man came running towards me. I backed up slowly not knowing if he was actually coming to me or not, then something amazing happen.
  • A unicorn came out of a rainbow in the sky. BAM!
  • I cracked it as hard as I could with my baseball bat. The unicorn flew over 2nd base. HOME RUN! But as I confidently rounded 3rd base, this crazy blonde girl from the stands threw
  • herself at me and tried to pull me back to 3rd base. "No, I want to go all the way home," I said. She grabbed my cup as ballpark security, the Sullen Taser Drudgers, trudged over.
  • The Sullen Taser Drudgers stood over me menacingly and said "You've missed your chance to make a break for home. It must be those feeble legs. Your next move is
  • something I like to call the Fetid Rasberry." The Sullen Taser Drugders smiled. I looked away so as not to give them the dirty satisfaction. But, up my sweaty sleeve was the nastie
  • of nasties - something that would make the F.Rberry seem like a cupboard full of clean linen in comparison. With slow deliberation, I took off my jacket and unpeeled the plastic
  • surrounding the F.Rberry. I read the instructions: 'For maximal time, for inserting F.Rberry & twist with haste in reverse the clock.' It wasn't as easy as it sounds & the F.Rberry
  • was ultimately the cause for presidents being limited to two terms. Because we know nothing can last forever. Not this. Not life. It is our only reprieve. Did F.Rberry know?


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