Here he comes now! The earth trembled with

  • Here he comes now! The earth trembled with each step Bubba took as he approached the club. The bouncers moved respectfully away, while those who didn't know better stared at him.
  • After staring for precisely 2 minutes, they felt their eyeballs start to tingle. Something was wrong, as wrong as the music being played. Damn, would that DJ get his act together?
  • What was it? Was it something in the air? They couldn't be sure. Soon enough, one of them blinked and the other started laughing. But the laughter could not be heard. The music was
  • so loud that the landing airplane above could not be heard. It took only a short moment until the scene unfolded. The moonlit skies suddenly gave way to
  • crouching lions and unsuspecting zebras. She watched and waited, hoping to capture the lioness leaping. Her camera poised and ready, then behind her, a gazelle
  • frantically passed her. Stunned, she turned around only to see that the very lioness she wanted to capture was getting ready to pounce on her. It had lost site of the gazelle and
  • was now focused on turning her into a steak. "Please don't eat me," she said humbly, but the lioness paid her no heed. It took her crocs into its mouth and began slobbering on them
  • before forcing them down. Crocs were a bland garnish typically served with human children, not her favorite. The lioness put a napkin in her lap and seasoned the woman. A pinch of
  • fake extensions, a handful of platform heels, and Miley Cyrus cologne as dressing. The woman would be perfect for eating now; indeed, the lionness was doing the world a favour. She
  • showed everyone the green new beatnik road trip hipster practice: Eating in a circular collective by mashing your face into the plate and chewing loudly. Rawr, I'm a lion!


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