I tried to ban myself from using a computer

  • I tried to ban myself from using a computer for a week. I couldnt even do it for a day. Habits are hard to quit since
  • I tried to ween myself from ordering those dolls from the Marie Osmond collection on Qvc. To take my mind off my worries, I decided to go to the circus.
  • But, then while I was at the circus Donny Osmond dropped in by helicopter to ride the elephant.
  • But the elephant turned out to be a little bit more country than rock and roll, and refused to allow Donny a ride. Disheartened, Donny turned and accidentally walked
  • like an Egyptian. The elephant had had enough. He wrapped his trunk around Donny Osmand's throat. "No!" came a voice, it was Marie. "Let him live and I will
  • do whatever you want!" The elephant stopped. He wanted to squeeze Donny Osmund to death so badly. But... He said "Anything?" "Yes, yes, anything!" Marie squealed. Pretty soon
  • the elephant had Marie Osmond hand-feeding him peanuts, singing "Paper Roses," and rubbing his belly as he lay by a glistening Olympic sized swimming pool in Vegas. The elephant
  • thought to himself that Marie Osmond was quite talented, being able to do all three of those things at once. He was such a boring elephant by comparison, only capable of
  • drinking water through his nose, like every other elephant in existence. Even the bejeweled carpet on his back couldn't stay on without slipping every two seconds. The master Rajah
  • curled up on the royal throne, then shed orange, black & white fur all over it. Jasmine had to dustbuster it for hours, but didn't envy Aladdin's job of emptying a tiger's litter.


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