I was making hay and raising kane! At that

  • I was making hay and raising kane! At that point I didn't know weather to shit or go blind, so
  • many mixed metaphors made me want to make like a tree, and split, which sort of worked in a lumberjack kind of way. She loved bad puns, she she parted the red sea and let me sew
  • what I reap. I said one in the hand is worth two in the bush. She said don't you mean burning bush? I said, where there's smoke there's fire, she said, right, burning, I have herpe
  • tology textbooks in my rig if you want to try to ID the critter. 'Nah' I said 'Let's just fillet this one in my hand and cook it over your campfire.' She was down so I pulled out
  • my penis. "Not now," she said. I knew better, but had figured it was worth trying. I zippered up and pulled out a science textbook. It was boring, so I tossed it into the fire.
  • it sizzled and popped as it burned. It gave off a yucky sciencey smell that i couldn't stand! I was fed up with the way things were going so I decided I had to
  • find a way to escape. Whatever device that was supposed to be clearly wasn't functioning correctly -- and I wasn't about to stick around and be turned into some Chinese medicine.
  • He pulled long needles from his pouch and set them on the desk beside me. The candle smoke was pungent and the anticipation of acupuncture was frightening. My anxiety kept me
  • from expressing exactly what I felt in that moment. Which, for the sake of my reputation and standards of propriety, was probably for the best. "Just remember", I told myself
  • "No one cares and no one ever will. But this is a good excuse to burn things."


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