Captain Picard was reviewing some reports

  • Captain Picard was reviewing some reports when his door beeped. "Come in," he said without looking up. Counselor Troi stepped in. She looked ravishing in a deep purple gown. Picard
  • however, nose deep in PADDS and engrossed with feeding his fish, had barely noticed, With a snort of disgust, Troi said nevermind and, leaving the Ready Room, directed her sultry
  • Bynar. Troi's Bynar was shorter in height than most humanoids and was genderless. It had lilac skin and an enlarged skull. That way Troi could try her new fantastic
  • "total makeover" spell. DM: "Um.. okay. Your humanoid Bynar looks like Barby with a Winky head. Are you gals gonna start the adventure or what?" Troi: "I'm buying a chainmail dress
  • ." The DM regretted playing D&D with his little sisters. So far the mission was that Twilight Sparkle and Barbie the Barbarian were going to take Half-Orc Bynar to Claire's.
  • By the end of the evening, the DM was covered in toy jewelry. His little sisters giggled at him. The Pretty Pretty Princess tiara was the last straw, and the DM swept the D&D
  • rulebook out the window. "That's it! you want to play Pretty Princess? I'll show you how good I can play a princess!" The D&D players were aghast as they saw their DM wear a pink
  • septum piercing and maroon vest. "Those colors" snorted the Level 16 thief. "I judge them akin to my alignment: chaotic evil." His dungeon mates snickered and sipped their Monster
  • juice vigerously, "Tonight," The thief continued to snort, "Will be the day I get the toughness feat for the fourth time! None shall be able to hit me! I shall be
  • the toughest thief in the world


  1. smashysmashy Oct 02 2015 @ 10:44

    Picard <3

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