And that's when it happened. Bruce Lee's

  • And that's when it happened. Bruce Lee's ghost materialized. Jackie Chan shivered. Bruce Lee slapped his face and said, "Total concentration!?!" Jackie threw his drink and
  • looked to his left, trying to mug for the camera. When it didn't materialize, Jackie tried to jump up a wall, but Bruce planted a foot on his spine that pinned him to the wall.
  • During the whole taping of the scene, Bob the cameraman sat stuffing his face with jelly donuts. As battle on set progressed, Bob tried to keep focus on Jackie and Bruce. But, he
  • kept focusing in on Lupe's breasts. He couldn't help the lust he felt. 40 years as a monk was really getting to him. He considered leaving, but camera work fulfilled god's plan for
  • bringing His message to the world via YouTube. He knew the video would be seen by millions. The kitten and Lupe's breasts were just lures for the True Message. The Day of the
  • Dead was upon us. The adult imagery might save some people's lives...yes, it was worth it. He closed his YouTube links, retrieving his shotgun and a carton of shells. It was time.
  • Life was just too dull for him to continue in this manner. He marched from his room, a stern face discouraging anyone from protesting his choice. It was definitely time.
  • He climbed the stairs to the roof. Gazing out into the winter sky, he looked down thirty stories to the ground. He didn't overthink it. He jumped, hurtling earthbound, mind blank.
  • the rush of the wind in his face, like a sudden burst of joy before his impending doom. With his eyes closed he could feel the cold hard floor nearing his skull, and then,
  • nothing.


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