Evaporated cane syrup. Really? You think

  • Evaporated cane syrup. Really? You think we are dumb enough at this co-op to not know that this is sugar? Gluten-free? Milk-free? Fat-free? Is there anything left in this food?
  • Nope. And this is was the kooky co-op health food store owner said. He pointed at the garbanzo beans and garishly grimaced, then in a low sort of growl, "
  • Garbanzo beans form the base of BlastedHeath's work lunch, with hot pot or other sauce, tofu and frozen vegetables, and you seriously expect me to stock those?" The co-op owner gl
  • ossed over the part where he admitted to being avuncular. "I'm starting to believe the rumors that you are an enemy of BlastedHeath. I hate to think that because we got a special
  • kinda torture for you smelly animals. After we sort you by color and shape,
  • size and smell, we stock the shelves with you so that you will be handy when we're in a bad mood and want to smell something that smells worse than we do. Afterwards we pay you
  • in whatever the hell you want; whether it's money, candy or beer. The bottom line is that we get the work done and we get it done right. It's not too often we get smart workers.
  • These days a college degree is worthless. Life is crazy, beer is good. That country song nails it.
  • But imagine a country without good nurses. A country where nobody knows about stuff like the Holocaust. Education is a matter of life and death. And no country song is going to
  • stir in me the passion I feel for a robust Communist economy!" I said, surveying what I knew would be the last hundredth-second of my existence. I saw mouths gasp, then nothing.


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