When Nostri-Prime Xtreme went to market,

  • When Nostri-Prime Xtreme went to market, he waited then sold his stocks at the crest and paid off the teenage physicists who helped retrofit his Airstream Bambi for space travel.
  • He was enjoying the built in facilities of the Airstream Bambi in orbit around Mars when news flashed that Nostri-Prime stock had crashed & the founder (himself) had a bounty of
  • Green tomatoes to keep him company as he cooked. Mr. Tomato and family loved to see the Andersons imitate the chefs on the Food Channel. One stew cost £200! What would they cook
  • today? It was sort of a gruesome pleasure the Tomato family had watching the Andersons puree vegetables and make stew out of them.
  • Better them than us, said Mr. Tomato to his family where they sat trapped in a woven basket. Coils of steam rose from the stock pot. He caught the scent of
  • fresh basil. Looking around Mr. Tomato realized that someone was beginning to prep marinara sauce of which tomatoes were the primary ingredient.
  • The chef was preoccupied with cutting up Ms. Garlic, who was already gone. Mr. Tomato silently mourned for his friend but took this opportunity to roll away to safety.
  • “How long on the marinara?” came a cry from expo. "Crushing the tomatoes now," the chef bellowed. But Mr. Tomato was already halfway to the drain. He had to escape before the chef
  • squished the sauce from his fleshy, crimson body. But there was nothing Mr. Tomato could do. In the grip of the chef, escape was an impossibility.
  • As he saw the end approaching he began thinking about his family. Solanaceae. Then he remembered his leaves were slightly toxic and he rubbed them in Chef's eyes and escaped.


  1. Thorsini Dec 08 2016 @ 03:13

    This was a thriller. I was worried the whole time for Mr. Tomato. I hope his family made it out ok.

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