Statt ihm einen Korb zu geben, gab sie ihm

  • Statt ihm einen Korb zu geben, gab sie ihm zwei Körbchen, Grösse D. Er konnte sein Glück kaum fassen.
  • And as far as he was concerned, "D" meant "dandy" so to hell with the basket! Man, he was in LOOOVE with his new next door neighbor, Dorcas.He wondered what she might give him next
  • Festivus. God, but he hoped it was a pony. He knew it was stupid. But he wanted a pony so much, and he wanted Dorcas Limpet so bad he could taste it. She was
  • sparkling in the the light of the moon. He collected posters of wild horses to decorate the house for festivus. He moulded clay into the shape of Dorkus Limpet for the table centre
  • . He then unbuttoned his pants and belched. Why, this was the greatest Dorkus Limpet he'd ever crafted. He slapped his stomach and scratched his arm pit. He felt a numbness
  • Stealing over him as the Dorkus Limpet wobbled and tumbled from its plinth, crashing into his leg causing compound fractures. Would he ever carve a Dorkus Limpet again without usin
  • g the sacred blade? And will he have to get a cyborg leg now? Those dang Dorkus Limpets were giving him so much trouble he decided to
  • Consult the incredible Mr. Limpet and Mr. Potatohead. They were considered experts on such creatures. The meeting was the next day. The professor had extra coffee that morning to
  • give meeting attendees a much needed kick. After the seventh cup Mr Limpet's eyes bugged out even more than usual. Mr Potatohead peeled with laughter. The professor gave him a bag
  • to help him gather the garbage. The meeting was a total chaos and most stakeholders just gave up. It would be a dark day at Wall Street...


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