"You know why they have musk-mellons at weddings?

  • "You know why they have musk-mellons at weddings? because they CANTALOPE!" The bride rolled her eyes heaven-ward. Why did he pick HIM for the Best-Man, Why?
  • Because he was He-Man. Master of the Universe. He-Man would always be the Best-Man. He was immature, but that was because he watched all those Vince Vaughn movies the night
  • before he went fishing off the windswept coast. He-Man loved to fish from the rocks at his special spot or off the beach with a big rod. He-Man would also go spear fishing but
  • this time was a special journey for he-man to the edge of the earth for the great
  • grey-green greasy Limpopo River Race. The He-Man was feeling just so-so about his chances, however. Still, it was indeed a special journey he had to attempt. He had promised his
  • running mate, Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce, that she wouldn't have to change her name to Fraser-Pryce-Man if they married, in exchange for being the anchor. He-Man stunned the crowd by
  • Announcing she was his running mate and he was crowned the Midsommarfest Queen, which was unprecedented. The newspaper reporter was flabbergasted, to say the least.
  • The next day the reporter's column panned the Midsommarfest Queen Pageant and said it was a total sham. The man that had been crowned the night before was beside himself! He had
  • to return the chintzy crown and pay back the prize money. Or did he? No way he thought packing his bags for Hawaii. They'd never take his Midsommarfest crown.
  • On board, startled flight attendants showed him to first class, calling him "Your Majesty". Upon landing, thousands of locals kneeled reverently.He's been on the throne ever since.


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