The office was full of boxes four months

  • The office was full of boxes four months after they'd settled in. He knew the last of them contained a point of contention and he was in no hurry to reach it. Memories fade, but
  • blood stains just turn brown. It wasn't the first time he'd been in this situation, but it was a new town. A new chance to finally wipe the screams from his
  • cheap Halloween sound effects cd he bought from CVS. He was going to make silly flash animation of different animal attack you tube videos but the effects were lame. Especially
  • since he was attempting to animate his videos in MS Word. Frustrated, he vowed his soul to the Dark Lord in exchange for flash animation that actually worked. He was determined to
  • see this through. He would see the Spice girls in animated format come hell or high water. He would then be able to photoshop in
  • himself and the caper would be complete! "All this for a $2,500 prize and a free trip to Universal Studios?" he thought to himself as he
  • stuffed the weasels down his pants leg. "I shoulda worn bigger pants." he thought to himself. "I wonder why these weasels are worth so much to
  • those scientists in the U.S. armies Biowarfare unit ? Little did I know the Weasels snaking in my pantaloons were very susceptible to prions. All I knew was they were paying well.
  • Suddenly, an alarm pierced the predawn quiet. It was time to roll out. I whipped the weasels out of my pants and assembled the weasel army. The Soviets wouldn't know what hit them.
  • Just then, Khett chirped in his weasel voice, turning my attention to the skies above. I barely had time to identify the soviet missile before it turned our camp into a crater.


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