Superman stomped in. Grizzled. Unshaved.

  • Superman stomped in. Grizzled. Unshaved. He grabbed the Johnny Walker from the bartender. No protest. He slugged back a shot. Then flicked beer nuts at hypersonic speed just to
  • show off a bit, vaporizing them with his heat vision right before they reached his very nervous barmates. Louis had really pissed him off today, accusing him and Jimmy Olsen of
  • cheating at Liar's Dice. 'That's the point!' I tried to tell him. But Louis was adamant that he and Jimmy were sewer scum that needed a good vaporizing. The jukebox blared
  • "Tumbling Dice" as Louis stared Clark down. He was too drunk to cheat & didn't care what she was rolling. He leered at her with X-rated vision. "Nice pair." Jimmy & I tried defusin
  • g the sexual tension by telling knock-knock jokes.Knock-knock. Who's there? Dishes. Dishes who?Dishes a job for Superman! Jimmy & I doubled over laughing. Lois rolled the die again
  • "double 6!!" she giggled.. "I win!" Clarke, you have to do it. Jimmy made a right pigs ear of it last time.., and make sure you do it before the paper goes to press" Clarke stood
  • at the precipice and gulped as he stared into The Void. It was not your run-of-the-mill, dollar store void, but the real thing. Never make a bet with a demon-whore. He took a deep
  • Breath and out came fire, which didn't bring the house down. The speech by the Robots did, however. All so called journalists were thereby sacrificed by their masters as fuel for
  • the media machine, which became over-filled quickly and started to run all over the floor. The robots, having slick metal feet, began to slip and slide, their soles rusting
  • Huffing for a post, the Android started pestering for a jab, they were having withdrawal symptoms of the cyber kind.


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