A long time ago, two young people fell in

  • A long time ago, two young people fell in love. They have been knowing one each other about 10 years. One day, some girl askes him for help. He findes out that she is a witch.
  • Flummoxed, "The wedding is next month and NOW I find out you are a witch?" She removed the curse from the girl and then patted his hand. "Well, it never came up in conversation."
  • That's when he knew their marriage was doomed. Being married to a witch is worse than being in a co-dependent alcoholic relationship. For one thing the ceaseless cackling
  • can become very aggravating. Worse than sitting next to someone eating cereal. Plus, there was his bro-in-law who'd been turned into a toad. He decided to cash out and move to Mexi
  • slovakia where his ex-girlfriend couldn't find him, the wizards were respectful of body mass in their transformations, and there weren't too many tourists. Unfortunately
  • though, on this occasion, something went dreadfully wrong. He arrived with the ears of a pig, making him terribly inconspicuous. He had to find a hat immediately, and walking
  • around being inconspicous was the last thing he wanted. No, he wanted to stand out and, well, mere pig ears were just not going to do it. He changed into a silver unitard and began
  • doing the Macarena. Still nothing. The crowd of bored hipsters just stared at him and looked unimpressed. " I hoped it wouldn't come to this..." He muttered, as he proceeded to
  • recuff his skinny jeans. As the Electric Slide started, the bored hipster were ready to bolt, until FiFi knew what to do. She whipped off her purple RayBans, and went running
  • on all fours, jumping to sink her poodle teeth into the hipsters' throat. This was a bold move for hellhounds everywhere! Fifi was given a full commendation to the school of dance.


  1. Zetawilk Feb 28 2013 @ 12:40

    Their collective throat.

  2. Zetawilk Mar 01 2013 @ 17:36

    Moral of the story: Any school which only teaches new students under extemporaneous circumstances is dubious at best.

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