" Fishing? I thought you were a vegan." the

  • " Fishing? I thought you were a vegan." the boy grinned down at her. " You assume there will be fish. This is a MIND of course, never know what could be in here." her brows rose.
  • She saw piles of thoughts near him: a large pile labeled SEX, decent piles of FOOD, FAMILY, CAREER, and a minor pile labeled DREAMS. "Exciting" she said. "Try fishing *my* mind."
  • He picked a heavy sinker to try to get her deep thoughts. After 3 hours he had nothing and switched the bait to a dark hair he'd found among the blonde hairs on her red sweater.
  • The dark hairs were coarse and dark brown. He thought he'd discover that the guy was Italian or Jewish by reading her thoughts. Instead, he found her thinking about a dog. A big
  • golden retriever. As cute as it was however, didn't distract from those... those CHIN HAIRS!! Damn girl! Sell some candy bars or get a second job or something and get those
  • hairs lasered! Lack of personal grooming before the ring can't be a good sign. Soon after there would be no more use of deodorant, next I'd have to deal with
  • Smelling at my birthday! My wedding! My FUNERAL!
  • She looked down at her Grandmother's scrapbook memoir of her life. Each event held a special scratch n'sniff sticker commerating the event. Why did Communion smell like bananas?
  • Oh yeah-Granny always put banana chips in the offering instead of quarters--would Granny go to hell for that?Granny's last scrapbook page had a scratch-n-sniff sticker that smelled
  • Like cap'n Morgan spiced rum. Now that Granny was gone, it all made sense. She had a thing for pirates! I'm not sure if she's in hell or heaven, but surely she has that bird.


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