What is the definition of love?

  • What is the definition of love?
  • What's love got to do with it?
  • Well, love is the universal power, able to withstand the storms and end wars. According to Nolan, the only, most poweful force that can transcend time is love. And gravity. Love is
  • sort of like dark matter in that way. It seems a little... unromantic, though, to compare love to dark matter. That's the main reason I stopped dating Neil deGrasse Tyson.
  • Also, his unnatural fear of bears. Sleeping in Neil deGrasse Tyson's burly arms was challenging as he tensed in preparation for bear attacks every 15 minutes. Newly single, I decid
  • ed to just let it be. Besides, Neil Tyson kept telling me that we are both stardust, and that made me feel beautiful. So I slept in his arms until I heard the roar of a Grizzly
  • Adams fan who was still angry over the cancellation of that show. "Shut up, out there!" I yell through the stained curtains as I throw a curler, "Neil Tyson and I wanna sleep in!"
  • "Don't forget the 'DeGrasse'. Never forget the 'DeGrasse'." "Sorry Neil. Where were we?" "Well I'm awake now... how about I explore that little planet between Saturn and Neptune?"
  • Heads whipped around in the Control Room. "What small planet between Saturn & Neptune," asked Neil Patrick Stewart from deep space. "This one," said Neil deGrasse Tyson pointing to
  • the speck in the hologram. It was weirdly shaped, almost like a dick. "Lol, it looks like a dick." laughed. "Nice!" Tyson said. Then, they both killed themselves and we lost them.


  1. Woab Dec 23 2019 @ 15:47

    And that, my friends, is the definition of love.

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