
Joe wondered why he was still sitting in

  • Joe wondered why he was still sitting in the stands as the game entered the 16th inning. Maybe
  • it was the double double animal style he had before the game. If he moved an inch he was bound to
  • pop every seam on his uniform. But coach was yelling, the fans were cheering, and so he had no choice but to
  • slide head-first with his hands over his spectacles. The mud flew all over his wild mane of white-boy dreds and
  • he knew, in an instant, the only way that mess was coming out was with some serious turpentine. Worth it! If only he'd
  • worn his jean cutoffs and his old Hypercolor sweatshirt instead, he could of avoided the whole thing and been on his way
  • to the community pool but NOOOOO, it had to
  • be Block Island. Should they have the wedding party at the Sullivan house or Ballards? Ballards had the beach scene, but
  • the Sullivan house is probably the single most beautiful location on Block Island. Plus the name makes it seem like
  • it was from a Rockwell painting. What looks to be an unassuming location actually hides the fact that underneath lies
  • a lush dark hollow accessible by the rope ladder affixed to the top. A smell crept from the hole, it could be
  • the popcorn I heard popping, but then again, who eats popcorn when they're at the bottom of a
  • deep funk like this? Those kernels just get stuck in your teeth, making you even more despondent. But it popped on
  • a cavity and her tooth BROKE! Got dang it! what an i gonna do. She was now toothless, fat and shabby. One of a kind.
  • Just like we remembered so many years ago, when candy was just twenty-five cents, and Candy was a buck fifty. Candy never liked her, but she did love candy. She would eat those
  • jujubes until she was so sick that she had to call the doctor. Of course, the doctor was more than just her "friend" but it gave her a good excuse to see him. Whatever. I will just
  • ignore the fact that she was cheating on me. Two could play that game! However, I decided not to return evil for evil and instead settled on simply
  • peeing on the first passenger that came onto my bus. I knew that wouldn't solve my anger issues but at least it made for interesting TV. I love it when
  • reality TV shows try to show the goods, only to have censors blur out the details.
  • Most often the details are so disappointing, the censorship does more to save the ratings than help it. When it doesn't, I make sure it's leaked. Ratings are God in this town.


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