So naturally, I installed a big gong in the

  • So naturally, I installed a big gong in the living room, complete with suspended log.
  • It matched perfectly with the two kung fu fighters that were fighting in the center of the room. I was pleased, it was going to be an entertaining evening. I went into the kitchen
  • to carve the lamb shank. But as I sliced through the greyish-brown meat, it dawned on me. Those two were practicing judo! Aunt Sue had warned me against any judo in the nursery
  • which I took as permission to train with Chrysylla, the prize-fighting orchid in Uncle Nigel's hothouse. When I entered the dim hothouse from the grey and chilly day, I
  • was assaulted by a mutated Dracula exasperata its pointy sepals lunging menacingly. I disposed of it with a garden trowel. Somewhere in Uncle Nigel's hothouse toxic Chryslla lurked
  • the two white-eyed fungus twins of decay, Bathsemine and Hubert. Though blind, they could tell who was passing through the hothouse, and would shudder with apprehension. I was in
  • the beginning phase of a much needed sitz bath, and had no desire to deal with neither Bathsemine nor Hubert, let alone both of them at once; still, I suppose the fungus twins
  • could be fun for the length of a hot bath, so I let them join me. When an uninvited CarrotTop joined us, I was convinced by the fungus twins to let him stay. I should have known be
  • tter than to invite plants to share a bath with me. Within ten minutes they'd soaked all the rose-scented water from the tub, leaving me cold and naked on the wet porcelain.
  • The catcalls and whistling from the plants energized me, and when one imitated a stripper drumbeat of “BUMP-bump-a-BUMP-bump-a-bump-bump---BUMP!” I stood up unashamedly and danced.


  1. bunnycookies Apr 23 2018 @ 23:56

    So the plants got what they wanted all along!

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