Cheswick Blighton would sometimes tune his

  • Cheswick Blighton would sometimes tune his radio to a certain frequency. His pineal gland would tingle, and he would engage in lively disputes with the Koi of nearby dimensions.
  • Koi, like all members of the carp family, have strong lateral lines that were able to detect Cheswick Blighton's pineal gland broadcasts. Dimensional broadcast limited to depth,
  • and contextual reporting which is the feature of all NPR broadcasts. Recently Terry Gross and others decided to broadcast through the pineal glands of Cheswick because
  • he was really fat and they were really squishy so they could stretch them and get good vibration tones from him. Unfortunately, Cheswick didn't survive the unnecessary removal of
  • his intestines. He resented the action rather briefly, then fell over dead. Nobody mourned him. They were preoccupied with composing an elaborate prog-rock jam for IntestiHarp.
  • But the drummer wanted a long solo in the middle of the song and the lead singer couldn't handle it. He walked off with a huff. So ended the possibility of the IntestiHarp
  • Band ever really making it. They just couldn't stomach each other. Hard as that was to digest, I had a gut feeling that the four hearthrobs I first noticed in liverpool might be
  • bloody good! Their music seemed to embody the human experience. I could just feel it in my bones. "Play me something original," I veinly demanded of the 4 liverpool lads.
  • The four chaps from Liverpool stopped shoving down pie and the noise it was making ended. "Sir, we're here for the bingo. Do you know where to play some?," one of them asked me.
  • I showed them the way. Later, hits like "Baby, You Can Mark My Free Space." and "I'll B-2 True to You B-4 You'll Be True to Me," swept America. Beatle Bingo fever was here to stay


  1. BlastedHeath Mar 15 2014 @ 14:16

    Bonus points to StoryFascist on this one!

  2. StoryFascist Mar 15 2014 @ 17:00

    Thanks to all you bingo lovers out there.

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