hi, questa è la maxi storia di come la mia

  • hi, questa è la maxi storia di come la mia vita è cambiata, capovolta sotto sopra sia finita. Seduto su due piedi qui con te ti parlerò di Willy, super fico di Bel Air
  • Professor Bulgharin Tatinov translated the above as: beware of the volcano and earth changes going on now. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it could be a cool summer, after all.
  • Professor Bulgharin Tatinov was on the verge getting the DT's. He switched his lecture topic to the
  • ocracy in the time of the primordial soup. "What if a primitive protein prophet said the creator only wants proteins made of left-handed amino acids?" Prof. Tatinov's bizarre
  • headdress fell over his eyes. "Prophets do not dictate dogma!" Shouted Prof Tatinov, pounding his podium & sending his headdress toppling floorward. "Primordial proteins worshipped
  • and pasted pictures of themselves in the most visible places. Like soup cans. And milk cartons..." Professor Tatinov righted his headdress again and continued. I started to drift
  • into a deep sleep as i tried to pay attention to Prof. Tatinov's lecture on famous mid-century kidnappings. I guess his headdress was distracting me.
  • The little fragments of the dead man's mirror tied in Prof. Tatinov's writhing dreadlocks would catch the light from the neon lit Pornorama sign behind me and give me visions of
  • sugarplums, their sugar crystals glinting in the pink glow. As I lay dying in the gutter, my thoughts were about childhood Christmases, family laughter, the warmth of the fire.
  • I wish I had never gone after that wretched paper boat.I should have listened to my friends when they said not to trust clowns,especially ones that had huge foreheads. Darn it.


  1. Woab Sep 20 2017 @ 11:18

    So I'm guessing that Prof. Tatinov was the clown in question, and his forehead was the cause of his wardrobe malfunction. (You know, the headdress.)

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