Slowly Margaret lowered herself down on to

  • Slowly Margaret lowered herself down on to the dining hall chair. She hoped they'd have chocolate pudding today - she really enjoyed smearing it all over her face and flinging it
  • at the Head Matron. Margaret waited expectantly for dessert at "The Orphanage for Wayward Waifs." The slop was doled out by ladle. Tapioca? Margaret started the food fight of 1879.
  • Few people have actually heard of the Great Tapioca Battle of 1879, but among those who have, Margaret was revered. A rebel among the other orphans, Margaret demanded
  • buckets of squid tentacles fried in a tasty batter and servered with a fresh lemon. Margaret's demands were always met as the other orphans feared her. One night squid tentacles
  • rose from the dead. The ghost busters were in the area. They popped into the orphanage for a nice cup of tea and discovered what they thought were squid tentacles, were those of a
  • Great Old One? Raymond detected a trace of nuclear protoplasm in the tea & then a tentacle shot out of his cup & rapped itself around his neck. Dr. Venkman grasped a tea cosy
  • and offered the perky coed a cup of chamomile. "My God!" she screamed. "That ghost's attacking him!" Venkman looked calmly at Ray. Sure enough, a slimy green tentacle was choking
  • itself. Ray raised an eye brow. Venkman said, "Suicidal Poltergeist. It's not attacking him, it's attacking itself." The coed passed out.
  • "Tsk Tsk." Venkman eyed the coed hungrily. Ray grasped his shoulder . "Hang on there, cowboy. Remember the last incident. They nearly shuttered the frat." The poltergeist withered
  • through a heating vent in Venkman's distraction, and once again, the plumber in green beat them to the punch with his mighty vacuum. Brooklyn wasn't big enough for both teams.


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