Dark scars from hundreds of bare knuckle

  • Dark scars from hundreds of bare knuckle encounters wove intricate webs on the backs of her hands. The officer caught site of that and took a second look at Lea's credentials.
  • He saw that Lea had once been a princess but she must have fallen on hard times because her Experian score was in the negative. The officer stared at her and
  • suggested Equifax. They're the best. My wife left me for an Equifax employee, and I don't blame her. He took a strong swig from his mug, threw it on the ground, and
  • shouted "I will not pun that it is to her credit." It would have been funny had said it in English, but the crowd did no understand his dialect of
  • gibberish. Instead they grew angry and began to raise their pitchforks and torches, pushing amongst themselves and slowly
  • raising their voices to shout "To The Town. To the town" for once the castles monsters would attack the town folk instead of the other way around! Transylvania would never be the
  • idyllic and peaceful summer retreat it once was. As the hordes of flesh eating
  • undead drove through the local In and Out. "May I take your order sir?" sqauked the intercom. "BRAINS!" was the graveled reply. "And what do you want to drink?" "PEPSI! NO ICE!"
  • "I'm sorry sir, we only have coca cola and brains are not on the menu." There was a long pause and then the voice said, "No brains?"
  • "Sorry."The voice was OK with that,but ...NO GINGER ALE?The voice was leaving,never to be heard again.


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