"Loose stool, you are so subtle, flying out

  • "Loose stool, you are so subtle, flying out of me like an Enterprise shuttle, space is cold it isn't cool, but even there you are loose stool." He put the microphone back in the st
  • ool and then stood motionless for a moment, letting his profound and heartfelt words sink in.The audience broke into thunderous applause.The Star Trek Poetry Slam was underway.
  • One little Tribble, “It’s looking kind of blue, Do you think perhaps it’s hungry?” How cute! Now there’s two. Two little Tribbles, eat a little more of that yummy quadrotriticale
  • O - four little tribbles this ones black with silver highlights, and the other has tight golden ringlets. How they coo tenderly when I hold them. Just a nibble of quadrotriticale?
  • Pages the library cat was watching all the action from atop a bookshelf. Nobody noticed her. She wrote a blog post on her kittymac and used her kittycam. Such a great job to have!
  • Pages the library cat paid no attention to the wireless mouse that came with her PC, since she didn’t know it was called “mouse.” To her it was “thingy.” But then someone slipped
  • her a mickey that turned out to be a mouse. Pages gratefully ate the mouse while she browsed the library's card catalogue for books on how to operate a computer without a "thingy".
  • The grizzled old librarian sent them ahead to the cyborg stacks. He promised he would catch up and to “start without me”. Pages and her mouse lugged the dormant computer through
  • the impossibly tall shelves, which were jammed with books and seemed to stretch upwards to the ceiling. Pages wanted to stop and investigate the titles, but the mouse prodded her.
  • "We'll be killed by the Cheese Killer if you don't hurry!" The mouse whined. Pages turned with a crazy grin. "Haven't you figured it out by now? I AM the Cheese Killer!" FIN


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