Once upon a time there was a teacher

  • Once upon a time there was a teacher
  • who had the unfortunate task of educating children that you cannot grow up to be a ninja, pirate, viking, tiger, starship captain, or uncorrupt politician.
  • Four decades later one of the students, Tyretha Jensen, ninja-dropped in the hospice room where her teacher lay. Tyretha was all of those things, and they had a great good laugh b
  • before Tyretha's teacher drifted into this coma of uncertain death, and Tyretha disappeared her ninja way. The nurse came in to check on the teacher, but mistaked her for asleep an
  • and so her remains went undiscovered for days. The hospice staff finaly realized she had passed away when the city's entire vulture population relocated outside her window.
  • Mr. V. told reporters he and his comrades knew her all too well. They had been classmates at art college long ago, when it was still affordable. Mrs. V. was a great cook and needed
  • Only good recipies and a few friends to organise a great dinner. Everyone thought she was such a nice old woman ... But
  • that's because no one realized she spied for the Koreans, selling them enough top secret info on the U.S. nuclear program to blow us and our families sky high. "Scones, anyone?
  • At that moment, the window shattered into a million shards, bullets ripping through the kitchen, scattering scones and body parts. Fortunately I only heard the ruckus. She was dead
  • on arrival.


  1. SlimWhitman Feb 25 2016 @ 16:53

    Ninja spect that didja?

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