The swarm of giant red-eyed bugs drew closer.

  • The swarm of giant red-eyed bugs drew closer. The villagers hid inside the relic of the ancient starship, hoping that their ultimate weapon would soon be ready.
  • When the leader of the giant red-eyed bugs, his jaws dripping venom, heaved up upon his hind legs and asked "Could I trouble you for a cup of sugar?", the villagers realized that
  • reality is devoid of sensory meaning, empty, and that to truly *be* one must accept the inevitable effect of ego upon the interpretation of experience. They gave the bug his sugar.
  • The bug was in too thick an existential fog for a sugar rush. "Will nothing please it?" a doc asked. "What *is* nothing?" I said, "It is that which nothings. The nothing nothings
  • said nothing, which was something from an existential standpoint. "More sugar!" demanded the bug. Doc thought deeply about this deceptively profound question before he replied, "
  • Now, if my calculations are correct, when this baby hits eighty-eight miles per hour, you're gonna see some serious shit." Doc Brown smiled at the bug. The bug
  • was skeptical. "I've come across your type before, more times than I can reckon. Just because I have metamorphized doesn't mean I am stupid." The cockroach, angered by the insult,
  • Told him to reread Kafka's famous story. "Then you will understand. You kill me, you will be a cockroach in your next life and end up in a roach motel. Think about it!" So it was
  • that I squashed the roach with a copy of "Die Verwandelung" and then read the short but engrossing story of a man who awakes transformed into a giant Bug. Afterwards I took a nap.
  • I woke up in a wax hexagon filled with sticky goo. My comrade approached me. "Worker X-7753a, nectar count is down access flower at the coordinates x36.2 y15.6." (buzz kill)


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