Do you ever hear about someone messing with

  • Do you ever hear about someone messing with the right guy? What's the ratio of right guys to wrong guys messed with? I'm just trying to feel out the odds before I go messing with
  • guys because I'm not good at small talk but I have an awesome massage regime. I use my whole body and a palate machine and I bathe in cinnamon oil. This is what makes me
  • glow like a Jaffa orange. I enrolled on a 'Talk to Anyone Anytime About Anything' Course by motivational guru Indiana Geraldo. I & 78 others in my cohort were airlifted to the Arct
  • ic tundra to chat with isolated sami reindeer herders. It was the cold turkey treatment & since Indy Geraldo divided the 'Talk to Anyone About Anything' course into groups of one
  • ice cube each. Forget the herders. Who did they think they were? Santa Clause?
  • Tim Allen would never have let his role in "The Santa Clause" be reprised by Betty White, let alone those unnamed herders. Betty, however, was as cunning as a certain weasel in
  • Her unique way and posthumously got the role. This started a trend in 2014 and onward to Christmas 2016. It snowballed and there were a lot of posthumous cameos in movies, which
  • was absolutely stupid. Ruined her career, if you ask my opinion. Some might say it was a good thing but once you hit the cameo stage of your acting career, you know there's nothing
  • more you can do but get bit parts in horror movies. At this point, it didn't matter to her anyway. It wasn't just her acting career. Her entire life was one big Stephen King novel.
  • Stephen King pulled off his thick glasses and marveled at the smear on the lens that looked just like a lady. He took his tissue and wiped hit away, and that was the end of her.


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