She deeply loved him and respected him.

  • She deeply loved him and respected him. It was undying romantic devotion. It was because he was rich.
  • Really rich. F - you rich. She needed the self-worth that came with being a member of the ultra elite rich. He was away most of the time so she'd busy herself by creating huge ball
  • erinas out of empty caviar cans. Sometimes, when she would feel guilty that she married just for the money, she would herself dress as a ballerina and pretend to be in Swan Lake.
  • Her husband never knew whether his wife would be the bloated black swan or white swan when he returned from his business travels but he always arrived wearing tights & a cod piece
  • . Their Swan Lake fantasy sustained them, but today he arrived home to a note from his wife, which mentioned a suborbital jump. Myofibrillar hypertrophy and NASA tights would
  • still be in her luggage bag. Damn! That's what I get for not unpacking right when I get home from a suborbital jump. How could I meet my wife? She was already subzoning right now.
  • I stuffed my bullwhip into the waistband of my jeans and rode my Harley hard to meet my wife. She was unconscious. I slung her over my shoulder and roped her to the back of my bike
  • & lassoed her 'round my head like it was a road warrior rodeo. "Yeeehhhaaww!" I knew my wife wouldn't mind, even though she was still unconscious. Thirsty now, I pulled my Harley
  • -Warren's pocket dictionary of Nacaal and asked politely: "What does a guy have to do to get a drink around here?". My wife gave out a moan. The sound of Nacaal vowels always
  • remind me of goats bleating. My wife poured a drink and returned to knitting a green sock. I enjoyed a delightful afternoon and listened to goats bleating...I mean my wife.


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