"John Jacob Jinglemeyer Schmidt... His name

  • "John Jacob Jinglemeyer Schmidt... His name is my name too..." woke him from a fitful dream. It didn't help that his name was John Jacob Jinglemeyer Schmidt. John opened the window
  • because his nighttime flatulence was fierce. He put on his J.J.J. Schmidt nametag and started the long walk to the factory. It was bitter cold that December morn and John was in
  • -vincible ever since eating the quivering, throbbing squibbly colored magic mushroom on his walk to work that morning.
  • On the edges of his vision were black spiders laughing with purple teeth, but they seemed friendly. However, his feeling of invincibility departed quite suddenly when his 3rd grde
  • Teacher announced their folding stories would be published. That was 2012. In 2016, he still is folding stories! His future as a writer is assuredly bright.
  • In 10 years he was an accomplished writer who still wrote stories on folding story. He was so world reknowned that a giant caterpillar and a magical Raccoon came to ask him to writ
  • -e his autograph for each of them. Turns out that the giant caterpillar and magical raccoon swindled him out of all the money he had made as a writer. So he set out to find the
  • bottom of his shadow. Not the butt, the bottom. That is where he expected he would find a clue to where the giant caterpillar & magical raccoon might be. They swindled the wrong gu
  • ardian of the galaxy. Rocket yelled, "For the hundredth time, I'm not a raccoon! Therefore I don't know where your magic one might be!" The searcher stepped back and ran into Groot
  • , fell backwards, hit his head on a giant boulder & bled out before anyone could do anything. "He never did find his magic raccoon, poor slob," Groot spoke softly. "Or his peace."


  1. IceSquad Jan 15 2018 @ 15:20

    The next Pulitzer goes to a folder

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