Once upon a time, a girl named Chris was

  • Once upon a time, a girl named Chris was walking down the road. However, the road was lava. Chris fell in the lava road and ended up in a coma. When Chris woke up, she smelt tacos.
  • Her friend James was cooking up some traditional coma-recovery tacos. Chris practically levitated off the bed, led by her nose to the sumptuous carne, pollo, and carnitas spread
  • . Oh and would you lookee at that...WAFFLES for dessert! Chris' volcano incident left her not only with painful blisters,but her stomach erupted in tummy rumbles so loud that James
  • almost left the giant peach. He opened up some windows. James said, "Jeez, Chris, maybe you're lactose intolerant?" The centipede plugged his nose with 100 hands and the spider
  • Choked on his own saliva, leaving a web behind. The spider's wife, a black widow, took over and caught enough food for the family of six. Chris and James ate the giant peaches.
  • The spider caught most of what Gramps was fed with the web in his throat for its brood. While Gramps withered, Chris & James gorged on the giant peaches 'til they got to the pits.
  • While they were working around the pits Gramps finally died unnoticed in front of them. With his last breath he cursed them both. Chris & James started choking on the peach pits.
  • They would have died, but just then the devil came springing out of the pits, a sulfurous smoke wafting from his heckish arm pits. "I'll make a deal with you, Chris and James," he
  • cackled, you give me your souls and I'll let you live! Wait, but how are we supposed to live without our souls? Chris asked Satan. "Oh people do it all the time, just look at
  • everyone on earth. I have already stolen the souls of everyone with red hair. Humans are screwed. They are all a bunch of worthless slaves that dont even realize I control them


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