Meet me at 3pm in War, Plague and Fire.

  • Meet me at 3pm in War, Plague and Fire.
  • "3 PM. War, Plague and Fire," Darth Famino read to his gauntlet, which recorded it correctly (!) and showed him a map: conference room 3202 off the mezzanine. The note was scented
  • with something the rebels referred to as "Snausages." It had a canine pictograph on the bag. Darth Famino opened the note and the sleeping Wookie exploded into
  • hyper-alertness, and like a lit firecracker he shot up and whistled at the heady aroma of the jostled package. Unbeknownst to Darth Famino, the Wookie loved Snausages, so
  • the Wookie reached the package first. "GRAAAARGGHH," he shouted at Darth Famino, as he ripped into the Snausages like... well, a ravenous Wookie. The droid remarked, "I suggest a
  • Whale penis be used to beat a mutated panda into paste which could be used to drop into the death stars waste paper hole causing a chain explosion and saving the galaxy. R2D2 then
  • collapsed from exhaustion, apparently drained from retelling this epic tale using only the language of beeps and whistles used by astromech droids. This tall tale was not the first
  • Android mutant story told by the Pokemons, who were tired of being killed after capture at the park. Det. Manatee was assigned this case and the sea monkeys took copious notes.
  • These notes were later compiled into a book entitled "The Sea Monkeys Guide to the Legal Justice System" and in Universities around the world it was studied for its perspective.
  • Harvard's entire law faculty gathered around the glass bowl, fulfilling their childhood dream to watch the little critters swallow swords & such like DC promised. Justice at last!


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