It was silent in the room except for my occasional

  • It was silent in the room except for my occasional grunting, I was really working up a sweat, pushing it to the limit. I was almost there so close.. Until the door suddenly opened!
  • My mother caught me exercising my muscle. I'll never live it down. She closed the door again quickly, but I could see her eyes widen in shock beforehand. My enormous ugly muscle
  • grimaced menacingly. Driving a wedge between myself and my mother was what my grotesque throbbing muscle wanted. I continued to exercise him, pumping him full of vitamin water and
  • donuts. It wasn't easy; my arms were sore. Lifting that police scanner was strenuous work. I'd spotted sixteen speeders (and caught up with two) just that afternoon.
  • The officer settled back and started his afternoon nap. While dreaming of donuts, the woman in the new SUV doing her makeup in the rearview mirror, slammed into the back of his
  • sofa-bed on wheels, which ruined his doughnuty dream with a loud crash. SUVs. More like sports utility vetala. The cop glared at her, writing out a ticket for her violation, when
  • he suddenly changed his mind. She looked confused as he stopped writing, ripped up the violation and said, "Try to be more careful next time, OK lady? Sheesh." This pissed her off,
  • because she was against littering. " Litterbug!" she thought as she watched the strips of paper flutter to the ground. Thrown carelessly. As if
  • a fortune cookie message factory had erupted in an heat-less explosion. "Litterbug!" she thought she'd thought, but when the gawking crowd abruptly looked at her, she knew she'd sa
  • id her thought out loud. "At least I think so," she thought, then realized she said that thought out loud as well. Surrounded, trapped...(GASP!) Her last thought was...


  1. zxvasdf Jan 30 2015 @ 01:16

    of that muscle, exercised and grotesque, lurking in police cruisers where it was fed donuts with difficulty. That muscle, squirming, leaping around on ball-like feet, with a bouncing, loping gait. It'd perched upon the cop's shoulder, shedding tears at the state of her cleavage of which it from its position had an eagle's eye view.

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