He climbed down the stairs. He felt sick.

  • He climbed down the stairs. He felt sick. He couldn't realise what he had just done. He wasn't afraid, really, he was just sick. He felt like he had eaten a whole bowl of raw frogs
  • . "Breakfast is ready!" His mother looked at his pallid skin. "Are you OK, honey?" He looked across the table at the terrarium. The frogs were missing. Green in the face, he knew
  • that she knew about his horrible secret. He was addicted. Addicted to frogs. His mother looked at him questioningly. "You can tell me anything, honey," she said. He gulped. "Mom, I
  • ..." "You can tell me anything EXCEPT that you're addicted to frogs," Mom added. That shut him up. He buried that awful secret deep inside until it festered his spleen. Frogs avoid
  • ance seemed doable. But then her heard "It's not easy being green" on the radio & he began to salivate. He was on the croaker before you can say leap frog. "Is that a frog in your
  • pot or are your doing a Slavenian polshka?" He said but the Swedish Chef ignored him. When Beeker was not on camera he was very avuncular and extremely
  • prone to standing on people's dignity or, if not that, their confidence. He soft shoed over it all the time and the schmucks ate it up. Whoever said "one born every minute" knew wh
  • At they were talking about. He sang for the submarine where the schmucks lived. They painted it yellow and grew beards, even the ladies. They all dressed in black. In short they
  • became ZZTop. Eventually their beards covered and absorbed their entire physical bodies and they became just beards floating around like hairy specters. Phil "Hairy" Specter was
  • known for his "wall of hairy sound" created by 24 musicians playing different songs at the same time. It never caught on. He died in obscurity after something newsworthy, I think.


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