soo this class is

  • soo this class is
  • pretty amazing.
  • this whole week i have been in the right place for just about everything. everyday i have found a dollar bill of some sort, and just yesterday i won a 300 dollar lotery ticket.
  • i then went out and bought 300 more lottery tickets and won 299 of them each one getting me 300 dollars. a dog came up just as i won and ate a 100 dollar bill out of my pocket so i
  • went out and bought the dog $500,000 worth of food to make him go to the bathroom. Once he did the 100 dollar bill was ripped in half and half decayed. So i went out and bought....
  • three shopping carts full of Simple Green to clean up the dog's massive mess. The 100 dollar bill turned out to be counterfeit. The real one was still out there, but I had to
  • find the printer that printed it. Good old Franklin wasn't even in the watermark. So I decided to take out my water coloring kit from when I was 4 and proceeded to
  • make a pretty reasonable copy, if I do say so myself. I took the copy, and removed the original, so that if the robbers did strike again, they would get my watercolor
  • . I knew the robbers would understand the depth of tones and appreciate the balance of negative space. The rest of populance never "got" my fakes. I was a connoisseur to the con.
  • But little did they know that "I" was a true pokemon master. I know, I just blew your minds....


  1. PocketKnight Aug 19 2011 @ 11:53

    That's the second reference to pokemon that I've seen from you Joe. I haven't even looked through many stories yet. Let's try and branch out a bit. What do you say?

  2. Chaz Aug 19 2011 @ 17:16

    Write what you know. - Mark Twain

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