The thing is, it was pitch black. I couldn't

  • The thing is, it was pitch black. I couldn't see anything, except her eyes. I could see her eyes, shining like an ax's blade. They almost rang. But there was no light, so how
  • could I possibly get my cat without bumping into all this clutter? Sure enough, as I began to walk through the dark basement, I tripped over a large book. I then saw the book had
  • ricocheted across the dark room smacking into my cat, killing it instantly. I let out a welp of surprise and began crawling my way through the clutter towards my pet. Suddenly I s
  • ..aw my dog mount the recently deceased cat. He was always humping her in life and we would all laugh but this was just sick. I stayed and watched until I was finished. Suddenly a
  • thought crossed my mind. Is it bestiality if one partner is dead? Or would that be necrozoophilia? Had my cat consented when it said 'Meow'? Was a dog stuffing a stuffed cat 'taxi
  • zoology?' And another thing, how consummate are interspecies relationships? One night with my cat and the dog ties the knot? Hey-o!" Offended, Johnny Knoxville's pets left his
  • care and went searching for a new home. The pets traveled to the next city (by hitching of course). Fluffy Sally smoothed talked her way into the home of a 67 yr old artist who
  • had convinced himself that self immolation could pass as performance art. Fluffy Sally lapped at her milk bowl and wondered if her fur was flammable
  • . Sarcastically, he lit the match. the closer the flame came to his gasoline-soaked clothing, the more snide his comments became. At that sparking instant, he saw irony for what it
  • was when a draft suddenly swept through and huffed out the flame. "Harold? HAROLD?!" his mother's screeching voice pierced his daydream."Are you playing with matches again?"


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